Pencil thin stool pictures
Pencil thin stool pictures

pencil thin stool pictures

But if they last a long time and if going to the bathroom is difficult for you, your doctor may order a colonoscopy to rule it out. Thin stools do not automatically mean cancer. In certain types of colon cancer, the bowel gets narrow, and so do your bowel movements. If you used to have sizeable stools but now they are always pencil thin and hard to pass, consult your doctor. When they come together, those are “high-alert” symptoms of bowel disorders. If you see blood, keep an eye out for other symptoms: weight loss, fever, chills. In any case, it’s worth getting checked out. It also can be caused by benign conditions such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Blood can be a sign of polyps or colorectal cancer. If there is blood in your feces on a recurring basis, see a doctor. Did you use to move your bowels frequently but now have trouble doing so? Did they use to be solid but now are runny for a long period of time? When you experience a big, noticeable change that lasts, it’s time to see your doctor. Instead of looking for “normal,” look for a change. The size, shape and consistency of feces will change greatly from person to person. The key is knowing what to look for - and what the signs may mean. That may sound strange, but here’s what I mean: Signs of everything from diseases to stress may show up in your bathroom habits.

pencil thin stool pictures

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Pencil thin stool pictures